Heating systems : how do they work ?
· The principle of the hot-water heating system that heats your home is a closed circuit one where the water is heated between 30° and 50° and runs through the radiators or underfloor heating pipes. These send the heat of the water into the rooms where they are installed. A boiler, a solar panel or a heating pump ensure water temperature .
Regular maintenance
of your installation ensures optimal performances,
Low temperature wall mounted or floor standing boiler ; gas or oil
The temperatures of the old generation boilers were around 80°C. Today new generation boilers can to lower the temperature to about 50°C – a change that produces up to 25-30% of economy of gas or oil.
Condensing boiler (wall mounted or floor standing) ; gas or oil
Concerning traditional types of boilers, the calories contained in the water steam resulting from the combustions are discharged to the outside. Whereas the condensing boiler, retrieves these calories by condensing the water steam. This kind of boiler increases energy performances by 30 to 40 %
Heating pump
The functionning of the so-called « water-water » or « air-water » heating pump, designed to heat the house, is based on the same principles as that used for refrigerators or air conditioning systems. In fact, a heat pump is a device that only needs a small amount of energy to move heat from one place to another. It transfers the cooling from the most cold environment (floors, groundwater, air from the outside) to cool a building or on the contrary transfers the heat from central heating systems or underfloor heating pipes) to heat the chosen premises. Therefore ; the performances of this equipment is of great interest: 1 kw/h of consumed energy offers about 3-4 kw/h of restored heat